
The New Coca Cola’s Soda Is Actually Healthy For You

Coca Cola

Courtesy of Coca Cola

If you’re sick of defending your unhealthy diet soda obsession, Coca Cola has your back with their latest creation: Coca Cola Poop Plus, a sugar- and calorie-free soda with 5 added grams of dietary fiber.

The brand’s “healthiest soda yet” hit the Japanese market back in February as part of a company’s latest mission to add more “functional beverages” to their lineup. (But no, they don’t mean helping with bodily functions.)

James Quincy, the CEO of Coca Cola told Business Insider it’s actually a “fast-growing segment where ingredients are added to beverages to address specific dietary needs.” Because who needs fruits and vegetables, am I right?

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Even better, the official product press-release says Coca-Cola Plus has superpowers beyond making you poop. Apparently “drinking one Coca-Cola Plus per day with food will help suppress fat absorption and help moderate the levels of triglycerides in the blood after eating.” Sure …

And if the idea of a magical fat-preventing, fiber-providing drink thrills you, but you hate the flavor of Coke, even better news: Coca-Cola also plans to roll out Canada Dry Plus.

After all, nothing screams sick day like ginger-ale, saltines, and FIBER. But don’t ditch the side salad just yet — there’s been no talk about the Plus variations hitting U.S. markets anytime soon.

From: Cosmopolitan