The long-awaited Christian movie, Divine Intelligence, created by UK-based Ghanaian, Sammy Ankrah is finally ready for premiere.
The movie has passed a classification test by the British Board of Film Classification and given a ‘PG’ Theatrical Release Certificate. The movie will be premiered at the popular Odeon Cinema in Greenwich, London, on 22nd July 2016.
UK-based journalist Michelle Johnson, who has been following news about the movie for some time, maintains that there is great anticipation among movie lovers, especially those in the Christian community, to see the movie.
A couple of months ago when news about the movie hit the media, some supporters of NPP and NDC in UK were desperately trying to link the movie and its director to their respective parties – publishing photos of him with top executives of their respective parties on social media to prove their allegation.
The movie was made by Christians and composed of cast from various churches and diverse nationalities. It primarily deals with the growing phenomenon where some charlatans have besieged the church nowadays, using all sorts of ‘fake’ and corrupt strategies in the name of God to deceive the unsuspecting followers, for their parochial interests.
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This, according to the director, tends to cast a slur on the work of ministry and make some people regard all men and women of God as charlatans, although there are genuine ones going about their calling with all good intent.
The movie, however, is not just about the activities of ‘End Time prophets’. It is a well-plotted story and deals with other real life issues confronting people – both young and adults, Christians and non-Christians alike, from which lessons could be learned. Overall, it brings out the laughter, anxiety and subtle suspense that you would wish to expect in a good film.
On his facebook page and elsewhere in the media, the director urges all Christians and non-christians alike to turn up in their numbers to the premiere to experience a high level of entertainment, education and enlightenment. He throws a special invitation to all men and women of God to endeavour to attend the premiere to share in the unique experience.
The premiere will be hosted by Movie Producer, Director and Actor, Collins Archie-Pearce and Dr Pauline Long of BEFFTA fame and her show team.
Click on the link below to watch the premiere promo and how to buy tickets for the premiere.
Source: Anita Dankwah