Believe me, breakup is the worst scenario that can happen in a relationship. Maybe you pulled the plug. Maybe your partner did. But it doesn’t have to cripple you forever. 1. Do exercises Mount up and take all the energy, and use it towards something beneficiary and productive. For instance, pretending that punching...
Yes, marijuana is known for its ~mind-altering~ effects, but weed doesn't stop there. If you're a person who's ever toked up and then gotten down, you know weed can have a ... noticeable effect on your sex life. Here are 11 ways weed can affect sex, because I couldn't quite...
Whether you decide to go full-on bridal with a veil and a tiara, or something more bride-chilla with a flower crown or small, bejeweled accessory, you'll need an equally perfect wedding gowns to go along with it. For all brides who've been preparing for their weddings, we've talked to fashion...
Michael, a friend of mine says, "Jealousy is defined in the context of a relationship". Anita says, "At least you should be a little jealous in your relationship". Could that be true? Fact: "Jealousy shouldn't be part of a healthy and long-lasting relationship" says marriage counselor Emmanuel Quartey.  So, could jealously be...
Most often than none, the cheating woman has some traits that are well exhibited. Well, do you know if your girlfriend is the cheating type? Here are some: 1. Good Liars Lying and cheating are a bit similar; they both share the same qualities of being deceitful, dishonest and untrustworthy. A woman...
Most people find it difficult on how to keep their relationship up and running. AccraLately has come up with 15 amazing ways to kick-start and refresh your relationship as long as you put them to practice. 1. Laugh a lot According to Robin Dunbar of the University of Oxford, laughter releases...
According to a German psychologist’s recent research, 66 percent of men and women turn their heads to the right when they kiss. Why? Well… to keep their noses from bumping of course! While bumping noses and crashing teeth can be a major problem for kissers, there is much more than...
1. Should I Get My Hair Cut? Yes? No? We like ... your hair? If you're just taking half an inch off or something, we're not even going to notice (unless you already have your hair short ... like half an inch short). This is just putting us in a...
Every relationship is unique, but most relationship problems are pretty much the same. Couples therapists tend to see the same issues crop up again and again and again, which is actually good news for you. Why? Because the pros know a handful of smart solutions that more often than...
First impressions are pretty important in whatever we do. But first impressions are pretty much everything when it comes to meeting a guy for the first time. Basically, if there is something about you that he dislikes or unsure of, it’s going to stick in his mind forever. But what are the...