Some people are so afraid of making mistakes, it stops them committing to a relationship even when they have found the wonderful guy. They think about it, they worry about it and they ask their friends about it. But before they get around to doing something about it, their perfect man...
Every relationship is unique, but most relationship problems are pretty much the same. Couples therapists tend to see the same issues crop up again and again and again, which is actually good news for you. Why? Because the pros know a handful of smart solutions that more often than...
In the society today, there are several beautiful single ladies whose aspiration is to marry a good husband but due to their ridiculous demands, guys get scared and settle for the ones who understand their financial situation. However, a responsible lady surely knows the best way to sell herself costly...
I’ve been in the situation where you feel so dejected with dating that you’re ready to give up. “There just aren’t any good guys out there anymore,” you lament. Bad relationships will do this to you. After a while of dating Mr Wrong and Mr Cheater, it’s so easy to quit...
Believe me, breakup is the worst scenario that can happen in a relationship. Maybe you pulled the plug. Maybe your partner did. But it doesn’t have to cripple you forever. 1. Do exercises Mount up and take all the energy, and use it towards something beneficiary and productive. For instance, pretending that punching...
Michael, a friend of mine says, "Jealousy is defined in the context of a relationship". Anita says, "At least you should be a little jealous in your relationship". Could that be true? Fact: "Jealousy shouldn't be part of a healthy and long-lasting relationship" says marriage counselor Emmanuel Quartey.  So, could jealously be...
There is nothing better than being in love. Doing things that will make a man forever love you is another course for another class. You have a bounce in your step, and simply thinking about him sends you to Cloud 9. Finding Mr. Right can be challenging, but if you are...
Most people find it difficult on how to keep their relationship up and running. AccraLately has come up with 15 amazing ways to kick-start and refresh your relationship as long as you put them to practice. 1. Laugh a lot According to Robin Dunbar of the University of Oxford, laughter releases...